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"Nature Knows Best" (all about the benefits of squatting)
has been translated into German.

Read it free online.

Coloproctology Unit of Rome

A surgical practice in Rome, Italy, dealing exclusively with colorectal diseases, and working with a team of radiologists, pathologists, gastroenterologists and psychologists specializing in these diseases. Founded in March 1992 by Prof. Mario Pescatori, after a twenty-year college teaching experience, with long periods of study and teaching abroad, including at the Mayo Clinic, the Cleveland Clinic and the London Hospital.

The Natural Way to Heal

A definitive program to optimize your health and well-being distilled from nutritionist and natural therapist Walter Last's three decades of clinical experience in the field of natural medicine and self-care healing.    Hydrotherapy Section

The Lillipad

Here is an excellent wooden toilet converter made in New Zealand.

Bulgarian Website on the Benefits of Squatting

Translation: "What do colon cancer, appendicitis, hemorrhoids and constipation have in common? Answer, the porcelain throne!"

EVACO Squat Platform

A squatting platform with a stainless steel frame. It's made in Singapore for the Southeast Asian market.

Roger J. Wendell

Defending 3.8 Billion Years of Organic EvolutionSM

Toilet Matters - Squatty Potties and Good Health!

Lots of interesting toiletological facts and pictures.

Humanics ErgoSystems, Inc

An ergonomics consulting firm established in 1982.

"Ergonomics is the science of adapting products and processes to human characteristics and capabilities in order to improve well-being and optimize productivity."
-- Rani Lueder (Ed.) The Ergonomics Payoff (Holt, Rinehart & Winston).


The Fasting Cure

by Upton Sinclair

Originally published by the author circa 1920. 215KBytes. Public domain. A famous author's personal experience with the fasting cure.

Triumph Over Disease By Fasting And Natural Diet

by Jack Goldstein

A personal testimonial in the vein of a true-confession story, only this story is not of love and betrayal, but of a young man who, through receiving much conventional medical treatment for ulcerative colitis, had been so damaged by the medicos that he approached death. In the nick of time he discovered natural hygiene, fasted for over 40 days and began to recover health and enjoyment of life.

* * * EARTHING * * *

"Earthing" is a way of conducting the energy of the Earth to your body. Humans evolved walking barefoot, so our physiology depends on this electrical grounding to function properly. It has many health benefits, which are discussed at

These instructions will allow you to make your own Earthing device.

Learn How Squatting Can Help Prevent
Constipation, Hemorrhoids, Appendicitis, Colitis, Diverticulosis,
Hernias, Heart Attacks, Prostate Disorders and Colon Cancer

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Gems from Down Under -- Australian Perspectives on Squatting

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